

Mock Worship

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Then they struck Him on the head with a reed and spat on Him; and bowing the knee, they worshiped Him. (Mk. 15:19)

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The Roman soldiers who kneeled before Jesus were not offering genuine worship, of course. It was mockery, a taunting gesture by which they displayed their contempt for Him. To their thinking, Jesus was just another piece of Jewish trash to be played with, then thrown away.
But the language Mark uses to describe their behavior carries a more ominous message. It captures perfectly the behavior of many today who claim to be followers of Jesus. They, too, worship Jesus while spitting on Him.

How many people today listen to Christian music on their electronic devices, wear crosses around their necks or on their clothing, and say "thank you, Jesus!" for every little blessing that lands in their lap, yet never set foot in a church building or get involved in a group of fellow believers?

How many people on Sunday morning sing "O How I Love Jesus," then through the rest of the week verbally stab their neighbors and co-workers in the back--the very people for whom Jesus died?
How many people preach vociferously about doing everything by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, while entangled in toxic relationships with their brethren and their own families, clueless about their own personality flaws that fuel the drama?
These people put on a show of worshiping Jesus, but spit on everything He represents. The only ones they are fooling is themselves.

If we do not worship Jesus in every area of our lives, with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, we are not worshiping Him at all. We're mocking Him. A day is coming when "every knee shall bow" before Him (Isa. 45:23; Phil. 2:10). There will be no mocking then, only fear and trembling. On that day, the counterfeit worshipers will be separated from the true, and given their just reward.
What kind of worshiper are you?